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GKB and GKF Plaster Panels

GKB and GKF Plaster Panels

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GKB and GKF Plaster Panels

GKB and GKF Plaster Panels

Firestop Boards

GKB and GKF plaster panels are assembly-line produced plaster panels according to DIN EN 520; they are especially suitable for application in wall and ceiling coverings and for panelling indoors.

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Field of Application

  • Wall and ceiling coverings
  • Wall and ceiling planking
  • Generally: Applications indoors
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  • Material of building material classification A2-s1, d0 (non flammable) according to DIN EN 520
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GKB and GKF Plaster Panels

GKB and GKF Plaster Panels

Firestop Boards